spiffy feature 1 opml

Ian Landsman • October 26, 2005

Every now and again I'm going to post about a HelpSpot feature, why it's cool and how it came about. For at least a little while I'm going to avoid the obvious ones found in most help desk software and stick with the unique stuff. So here we go......

Feature: OPML
HelpSpot features support for exporting all your RSS feeds as OPML. In HelpSpot your personal Queue as well as every custom filter and forum in the system comes with an RSS feed so you can track the progress of requests and discussions. In even a moderate size installation you'll certainly end up with a dozen or more RSS feeds to manage. Of course you have the option of selecting individual feeds to track but more often than not you'll want to track them all, especially once you get used to checking your requests in your RSS reader.

Hence, a simple and standard OPML exporter exists. Simply click the link (pictured) and you get a nice OPML file for importing into your favorite feed reader.