new blog template

So I gave in to you, the readers, and came up with a new template. Nobody seemed to like the "un" template though it really did help clear my mind a bit.

The new site is based on this template with some colors insired by and the Seattle Seahawks (though I'm not a fan of theirs).

It's a pretty standard layout. I've added a little photo carousel of me and my family to the top as well as a carousel tour of HelpSpot as an experiement.

I'm still looking to do something interesting with the footer. I'd like to put the articles in one column which would free up a column, but I have nothing I want to put there currently. Idea's welcome.

Let me know what you think.

Oh, and the current personal photos are:

  1. Tyler eating a carrot
  2. Tyler all dressed up with no place to go
  3. Me and Ty playing with leaves
  4. Jamie and Ty playing with leaves
  5. Tyler learing to program
  6. Me and Jamie on our honeymoon in Hawaii
  7. Me in our hotel room with a view of Diamond Head in Hawaii

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