ipods improve college sex life

Ian Landsman • December 22, 2004

RatcliffeBlog?Mitch's Open Notebook: iPods get people laid and can improve their memories, too!
*"Here's a great story I heard over lunch with my good friend Tony Fadell, who leads the iPod engineering group at Apple. It seems he gets a lot of email from people living in college dorms, thanking him for their improved sex life.

Why? Well, their iPods have allowed them to create personal playlists that they carry along as a soundtrack to their lives. When they publish their playlists to Rendezvous networks in their dorms, other students surf those playlists to get an idea what people are like.

So, late at night a guy sitting in his dorm may hear a knock on the door and, opening it, find a girl who loves their playlist. Tony gets mail from guys thanking him for this hidden feature in the iPod."* - Interesting